Examples from a 6th grade iPad 1:1 classroom.


Science: Rock Identification

For this science lab student were identifying different types of rocks.  They took pictures of the different rocks and then labeled them in Skitch.  They then added the labeled pictures to their science notebook in Evernote.  The science labs are shared with their teacher through Evernote.

Skyping With a "Survivor" Contestant

Students Skyped with a local "Survivor" contestant.

Science: Digestive System Review

Students have been learning about the digestive system.  As a review they use Evernote to make study notes, that they can then use with Peek to study from.  

Once they were finished creating the notes, they shared them with their teacher.  She then told them they could use the app Build a Body- in which they have to build a body with the parts.  Listen to their enthusiasm...

iMotion in Art

Students in art class used iMotion to create stop-motion movies with clay figures.

Science: Heart Rate

Students are learning about the heart. Here they are introduced to a new app that reads their heart rate.  They watch first as their teacher shows them how the app works.  

Next they try out the heart rate app for themselves.  They increase their heart rate by doing jumping jacks to see what happens.

Math: Finding Irregular Shapes

Students worked to find different ways to calculate area of odd shapes, utilizing the skills they learned from the geometry unit.

Researching South American Tourist Destinations

Students work collaboratively to research information on South American tourist destination.  

From their research they collaboratively created tourism commercials on a South American country. Here are some examples.

Math: Area & Perimeter

Students designed bumper car floor plans in math class during their exploration of area and perimeter. iPads were used for note-taking,  calculators, worksheets, and photos.


Discovering the Periodic Table of Elements

Learning about the periodic table, students build the elements to find out what goes into making each one.


Science: Looking at Onion and Cheek Cells

Using the microscope and iPad, student are able to view onion and cheek cells in science.